Biden admits ‘if Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running’: President, 81, says Democrats ‘cannot let him win’ – even as polls show him TRAILING the Republican frontrunner

  • President Joe Biden addressed donors at an event near Boston on Tuesday.
  • “If Trump hadn’t run, I’m not sure I would have run,” he told them.
  • Biden has stepped up his fundraising efforts as he tries to close the gap.

President Joe Biden admitted to donors Tuesday that he might not seek reelection if Donald Trump were not the likely Republican nominee.

The 81-year-old told supporters at a fundraiser near Boston that the former president posed a serious threat to democracy.

“If Trump hadn’t run, I’m not sure I would have run,” he said.

“But we can’t let him win for the sake of our country.”

However, Biden’s approval ratings are low and a number of polls show he could lose to Trump.

President Joe Biden traveled to Massachusetts on Tuesday for three fundraising events around Boston.  “If Trump hadn’t run, I’m not sure I would have run,” he told supporters.

President Joe Biden traveled to Massachusetts on Tuesday for three fundraising events around Boston. “If Trump hadn’t run, I’m not sure I would have run,” he told supporters.

A poll of three key states by showed Trump leading in Arizona and Georgia, while Biden led in Wisconsin, showing the challenge he faces.

A poll of three key states by showed Trump leading in Arizona and Georgia, while Biden led in Wisconsin, showing the challenge he faces.

A review of three key battlegrounds published by on Monday showed Trump is on track to win back Arizona and Georgia, while Biden leads in Wisconsin.

The results suggest Biden’s coalition of liberal white voters and minorities may not hold together.

Even allies are concerned that his age – he is the oldest president in history – is a handicap.

His campaign has tried to portray his age as a sign of wisdom and experience, and Biden himself tried to play it off at another event in Boston on Tuesday.

He noted that he received 81 million votes in the 2020 elections.

“Almost like someone’s age… It’s hell turning 40 twice,” he joked.

But most of his remarks clearly outlined what would be at stake if Trump became president again, describing how the former president vowed to root out “parasites” in the country as he sought “revenge on his supporters.”

He cited warnings about Trump from former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., calling her a “strong voice.”

“American democracy—I give you my word as Biden—is at stake,” Biden said.

Former President Donald Trump is the clear favorite to win the 2024 GOP nomination.

Former President Donald Trump is the clear favorite to win the 2024 GOP nomination.

A recent New York Times-Siena College poll found Biden trailing in five of six states.

A recent New York Times-Siena College poll found Biden trailing in five of six states.

And he managed to get a laugh from the audience when he added: “He didn’t even show up at my inauguration. I can’t say I was disappointed, but he didn’t even show up.”

Biden made a big deal of the fact that he beat Trump in 2020 and could do so again in 2024.

However, public opinion polls and national polls show he has reason to make up ground.

The Real Clear Politics polling average has Trump leading by two points in national polls with the election eleven months away.