Biden’s approval plummets eight points in a month to just 27% among independents: 81-year-old hit with another dire poll with record lows on the economy and dealing with the Middle East crisis

  • President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell eight points among independent pollsters, according to a November Gallup poll.
  • He hit a new low of 27 percent, while his overall approval rating remained at 37 percent, its lowest ever.
  • Just 24 percent of independent voters approved of Biden’s approach to the economy.

President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell eight points among independents in November to a new low of 27 percent. Gallup found.

Pollsters called the 81-year-old president’s low ratings “astonishing” because independents are a key group to influence to win the presidency.

Overall, Biden’s approval rating remained at 37 percent, its lowest ever, while his disapproval rating stood at 59 percent.

In November, Biden received the worst possible rating for his approach to the Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians, the economy and, more broadly, foreign policy.

Among Americans surveyed by Gallup, only 32 percent approve of Biden’s approach to each of the three issues.

President Joe Biden, photographed Thursday in the Oval Office, saw his approval rating drop eight points and independents to a new low of 27 percent, a November Gallup poll showed.

President Joe Biden, photographed Thursday in the Oval Office, saw his approval rating drop eight points and independents to a new low of 27 percent, a November Gallup poll showed.

The president has made some gains among members of his own party, as his approval rating among Democrats has returned to 83 percent, but his 27 percent among independents is concerning because they are a key group to influence to win the presidency.

The president has made some gains among members of his own party, as his approval rating among Democrats has returned to 83 percent, but his 27 percent among independents is concerning because they are a key group to influence to win the presidency.

The Democratic president received slightly higher marks (38 percent) when asked about his handling of the war in Ukraine.

When asked about his handling of health care, he scored 40 percent approval.

Biden has made gains among Democrats since an October Gallup poll.

In October, 75 percent of Democrats approved of Biden’s job performance.

In November, that number rose to 83 percent.

However, Biden’s overall approval number remained the same as he lost independent support.

When independent experts were asked about specific issues, Biden did not receive approval above 35 percent on any topic, and most of his ratings were in the 20 percent range.

Since World War II, Biden has the lowest approval ratings of any president this quarter except for Democrat Jimmy Carter, who lost his re-election bid in 1980.  Former President Donald Trump had a slightly higher approval rating this quarter and also lost his re-election bid.

Since World War II, Biden has the lowest approval ratings of any president this quarter except for Democrat Jimmy Carter, who lost his re-election bid in 1980. Former President Donald Trump had a slightly higher approval rating this quarter and also lost his re-election bid.

On health care, 35 percent of independents approved of his handling of the war in Ukraine, and 31 percent of independents approved of his performance.

On foreign affairs, 28 percent of independents approved, and on the situation in the Middle East, 25 percent of independents approved.

His fewest independents are focused on his handling of the economy – often the No. 1 election issue – with just 24 percent saying they approve of Biden’s job performance.

And Democrats were skeptical of his approach to the Middle East crisis, with only 60 percent saying they approved of him, compared with 78 percent who approved of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine war.

The president remains in “historically dangerous territory,” as Gallup put it, as he seeks a second term.

Biden’s approval rating averaged 40 percent for the quarter, higher than President Jimmy Carter, who failed to win re-election in 1980.

The Democrat’s average approval rating is slightly lower than that of former President Donald Trump, who also failed to win a second term when he ran against Biden in 2020.