Dermatologist reveals her favorite procedures that require little downtime and will see you back to normal life in no time

The dermatologist shared some of her favorite beauty treatments that don’t require much time.

Information shared by a board-certified dermatologist. Dr. Mamina Turegano, who practices in Louisiana. Turegano often takes to her social media pages to share her skincare tricks, tips, and wisdom with her followers.

In the videowhich was posted on TikTok earlier this month, she revealed that there are “several” treatments that are “ideal” for people with busy schedules and will quickly get you back to normal.

“First of all, it’s Botox,” Dr. Turegano said. “People can come in on their lunch break, get Botox and go back to work and no one will know they did anything.”

In a new video posted to TikTok, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mamina Turegano talks about cosmetic procedures that require minimal downtime.

In a new video posted to TikTok, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mamina Turegano talks about cosmetic procedures that require minimal downtime.

She explained each procedure, what it entails, and recovery time.

She explained each procedure, what it entails, and recovery time.

“There is a small chance that people may experience bruising,” Dr. Turegano said.

Very simple! Cosmetic procedures with minimal recovery period, according to Dr. Turegano

  • Botox: It takes about a week to start working.
  • Microneedling: Redness lasts up to 48 hours.
  • Laser Genesis: slight redness lasting only on the day of the procedure.

“I think if we do see bruising, it’s a little more common in the eye area, but overall the likelihood of that happening is very low, and the complication rate with Botox is very low, especially right away.”

Botox, short for botulinum toxin, is an injection of neurotoxins that weaken muscles in the face or other parts of the body. Cleveland Clinic.

It is often used to prevent signs of aging on the face.

In the video, Dr. Turegano noted that the effects of Botox usually take about a week.

“I tell patients not to lie down for the next six hours if possible, and I would advise against getting a facial or a massage because your face kind of gets pressed into the facial massage holder,” she warned.

“It’s in the first few hours that your muscles really sense the neuromodulator, so I advise avoiding these activities.”

Next on the dermatologist’s list was microneedling, a procedure that uses very small needles on the face to stimulate collagen production. Health line.

The first cosmetic procedure Dr. Turegano recommended in the video was Botox, which can be done during your lunch break.

The first cosmetic procedure Dr. Turegano recommended in the video was Botox, which can be done during your lunch break.

However, the doctor noted that there may be a small chance of bruising when using Botox.

However, the doctor noted that there may be a small chance of bruising when using Botox.

Dr. Turegano also suggested microneedling, used to stimulate collagen production in the face, as another simple procedure with little downtime.

Dr. Turegano also suggested microneedling, used to stimulate collagen production in the face, as another simple procedure with little downtime.

Microneedling can help improve the appearance of fine lines and acne scars, as well as tone the skin.

“I think microneedling is a simple procedure,” Dr. Turegano explained.

“Microneedling is like little microscopic needles that go into the skin,” she continued. “What this means is it stimulates collagen production. It can also really help improve the texture of your skin (and) helps with things like acne scarring.”

However, microneedling does have some side effects that you should be aware of.

“Immediately after the procedure, you will feel red, but the redness usually lasts for 24 hours,” Dr. Turegano said.

“For some people it can be 48 hours. So it’s great, you can do it on Friday and be fine by Monday.”

However, with microneedling, which combines radiofrequency, it may be a little more intense, the doctor warned.

Dr. Turegano also recommended gentle laser treatment as a procedure that requires a short recovery time.

Dr. Turegano also recommended gentle laser treatment as a procedure that requires a short recovery time.

“You will feel a little red immediately after the procedure, but that redness usually lasts for 24 hours,” Dr. Turegano said of microneedling.

“You will feel a little red immediately after the procedure, but that redness usually lasts for 24 hours,” Dr. Turegano said of microneedling.

“You may see a little more redness lingering for 48 hours, but still, I think that’s a pretty impressive amount of downtime, too.”

Likewise, the expert noted that there are certain lasers that have extremely limited recovery times.

“The Laser Genesis we have in the office is similar to the 1064 soft laser,” she said in the clip.

Often, laser treatments are used to change the appearance of the skin and can prevent signs of aging, dark spots and acne scars. Mount Sinai.

“With it, you can get right back to work or just resume your day. You may have blushed a little that day.

Dr. Turegano also shared some cosmetic procedures that require a longer recovery period.

These included fillers, chemical peels, as well as some skin resurfacing procedures and vascular lasers.

“The concern with filler is possible bruising and swelling, which can last a couple of days and longer in some people,” Dr. Turegano explained.

However, vascular lasers require an average of about a week of downtime, unlike the gentle lasers Dr. Turegano talked about at the beginning of the clip.

However, vascular lasers require an average of about a week of downtime, unlike the gentle lasers Dr. Turegano talked about at the beginning of the clip.

“Of course, with other lasers, resurfacing lasers or vascular lasers, the downtime may be a little longer,” Dr. Turegano said.

“Of course, with other lasers, resurfacing lasers or vascular lasers, the downtime may be a little longer,” Dr. Turegano said.

“In some people, you may not notice anything, so it depends on the person and the filler,” she added.

Likewise, chemical peels are also a treatment that “depends on the individual” and the treatment when it comes to the downtime that may be required.

“There are so many benefits to chemical peels: there is a wide range of concentrations, as well as different acids,” she said.

“So it just depends on what kind of chemical peel you’re doing.”

She typically tells her patients that the average recovery time after a chemical peel is about a week.

“It’s a good amount of downtime, again, it depends on the chemical peel, but usually you’ll peel a little bit, I’d say starting around day two, day three after the procedure, and that can last on average.” about a week,” she said.

“Of course, with some peels the time may be longer.”

She then explained her point of view regarding specific laser procedures.

In the comments on her video, many seemed to appreciate the advice.

In the comments on her video, many seemed to appreciate the advice.

“Of course, with other lasers, surface resurfacing lasers or vascular lasers, the downtime may be a little longer,” she explained.

“With vascular lasers, there may be some bruising or redness that can last anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on the person,” Dr. Turegano said.

As for surface resurfacing lasers, they can also last from a few days to one week, and in some cases even longer.

“When using lasers for surface resurfacing, depending on the laser power and depth of treatment, the downtime can be quite long and you can end up looking quite scraggly for a few days to a week or longer,” she concluded.

In the comments to her post, many users appreciated the useful advice.

“Great doc!” wrote fellow dermatologist Dr. Lindsay Zubricki, aka @dermguru.

‘Thanks for the advice. You are amazing,” another person typed.

A commenter agreed: “This is amazing, so comprehensive. Thank you!’