Elderly Israeli hostage says Hamas terrorists removed her oxygen machine during ‘unbearable’ time being held in Gaza tunnels and demands government negotiate the release of remaining captives ‘now’

An elderly Israeli hostage has told how Hamas terrorists took away her oxygen machine while she was held captive in the tunnels.

Margalit Moses, 77, spoke at an emotional demonstration to mark the second night of Hanukkah for those still missing.

She spoke of her “unbearable” time in captivity, as her loved ones lit candles at a long table that had seats for everyone who was not present for the Jewish holiday.

Relatives demanded that the Israeli government negotiate with Hamas for their release “now” in the square in front of the Tel Aviv Art Museum, renamed Hostage Square.

Families of the missing were seen crying as candles were lit at the table last night, with others joining in chants calling for their release.

Margalit Moses, 77, was escorted by a soldier to a hospital in Israel after her release by Hamas on November 24.

Margalit Moses, 77, was escorted by a soldier to a hospital in Israel after her release by Hamas on November 24.

Israelis gather to light candles at a vigil marking the second night of Hanukkah on December 9.

Israelis gather to light candles at a vigil marking the second night of Hanukkah on December 9.

A long table was set with an empty seat and a plate laid out for each of the taken hostages.

A long table was set with an empty seat and a plate laid out for each of the taken hostages.

Two women hug at an emotional demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Saturday evening.

Two women hug at an emotional demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Saturday evening.

Miss Moses led the appeal in a powerful video message in which she recounted her time underground in captivity after being kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Oz.

“I have to be hooked up to an oxygen machine at night, and I took it with me to Gaza to sleep,” she said.

“One of the terrorists, who was angry with me, took the device from me, although I told him that it was my oxygen. I spoke to him in Arabic and he understood the meaning, but he didn’t care.

“I didn’t sleep for 49 days. It was very difficult. There were mental difficulties, there were physical difficulties and every day it becomes more difficult.

“Being a hostage in the tunnels is an unbearable situation. We need to get people back as soon as possible.”

Adina Moshe, 72, freed after 49 days, said “very old” friends from her kibbutz were still trapped.

She said: “They are all very old, with serious illnesses and without proper medication.

“When I was there, the food situation continued to deteriorate. We ended up eating only rice.

Adina Moshe, 72, was released by Hamas after 49 days.  She was filmed pushing away the hand of a Hamas militant during her liberation (pictured).

Adina Moshe, 72, was released by Hamas after 49 days. She was filmed pushing away the hand of a Hamas militant during her liberation (pictured).

Mural calling for the return home of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas on October 7

Mural calling for the return home of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas on October 7

“I beg and plead: please do everything for their release, including so that I can recover. Until they come back, my heart is there, I won’t be able to recover.”

Families and loved ones of the missing wept as they lit Shabbat candles at a table in honor of the missing in Hostage Square.

Among them was Debi Paz, 64, whose friend’s 18-year-old daughter, Liri Albag, is still in the Gaza Strip.

“I hope for a miracle. I come here every day – we don’t know what to do. We are waiting 64 days.

“She’s still a child, she served in the army for a month. These people are animals. They are worse than animals. They are devils.”

The couple embraces at an emotional vigil held at Hostage Square in Tel Aviv.

The couple embraces at an emotional vigil held at Hostage Square in Tel Aviv.

Empty seats around the dinner table were set up for the vigil, modeled after Hanukkah celebrations.

Empty seats around the dinner table were set up for the vigil, modeled after Hanukkah celebrations.

Yoel Mendelsohn, 35, was seen crying as she hugged her husband Yoel, also 35, at the demonstration.

Mr Mendelsohn said: “We are here to support the families of the missing. One of my friends was among those released.

“Being here is like standing in an open wound.”

Eran Heroti, 48, also came to show his support along with his wife Yifat, 45. “It is important to show our support as some people are still in the grip of the sick and evil Hamas.

Ms Heroti added: “It feels like you are part of something much bigger than any of us.” This is solidarity.”