Kevin McCarthy says his ‘healthy’ relationship with Trump is because they don’t air ‘disagreements’ – and predicts he will WIN in 2024 because he is stronger on Russia and China than Biden

In a wide-ranging interview with, Kevin McCarthy commented on his current relationship status with Donald Trump, who he says will easily secure the GOP nomination for President and ultimately defeat President Biden.

We have a “good relationship,” McCarthy said. “The interesting thing is that we have been together for a long time. Sometimes we disagree, but we always do it in private.

“It’s a healthy relationship where you can tell each other what you think and what you can do, and we don’t make it public.” This only strengthens our relationship,” he continued.

The pair’s relationship has ebbed and flowed over the years, and Trump in particular did not come to McCarthy’s aid when eight GOP hardliners tried to remove him as speaker in October. The former speaker has also previously questioned whether Trump is the “strongest” Republican presidential candidate.

Asked by if he plans to formally endorse Trump or any of the 2024 presidential candidates, he said he would “never” endorse this early. But he “might” publicly endorse it sooner because Trump is going to win.

“I think President Trump will win. I think President Trump will be the candidate. I think President Trump will win the presidency,” McCarthy said.

“Personally, I believe every data point. President Trump is stronger today than he was in 2016. And in my lifetime, there has not been a president with a weaker bid for re-election than Joe Biden.”

“I think President Trump will win the presidency,” McCarthy said.

“I think President Trump will win the presidency,” McCarthy said.

He went on to say that Biden, 81, “can’t solve” the main problem he faces with his own base and American society: his age.

“He’s losing the diverse voter demographic that Democrats typically create. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, it will be a big night for Republicans.”

He said both domestically and internationally, choosing Trump over Biden should be a no-brainer for voters next November.

McCarthy, who created the Select Committee on China headed by Chairman Mike Gallagher, a Wisconsin Republican, said another critical factor for voters will be Biden’s lack of strength to confront aggression from China, Russia and other foreign adversaries.

“Unlike President Trump compared to President Biden, you have a secure border. You had gas prices in the $2 range. You had a Russia that didn’t invade anyone. You had North Korea, which did not test missiles. You had a strong economy. You didn’t have inflation,” he explained.

McCarthy said that since Biden took office, there has been a “new creation of an axis of evil” of nations hostile to the United States that have become emboldened.

As for China, the Republican said the country is aggressively trying to influence other countries, including the United States, to become dependent on it.

The CCP has “supported” North Korea’s growing missile operation and “expanded” it further, posing a direct threat to Taiwan and the rest of the Indo-Pacific region.

He said this included Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the evacuation of some Americans from the US embassy in Lebanon due to the increased threat from the Iranian-backed proxy group Hezbollah, encouragement of the al-Qaeda terrorist group in Afghanistan, and China’s aggression towards Taiwan and influence campaign. .

The Biden administration’s delisting of the Iran-backed Houthis as a terrorist organization was also a strategic failure, the former speaker said.

Iran’s growing prominence comes as Biden fails to impose sanctions on their oil and therefore enriches a state known for sponsoring deadly terrorist attacks.

“Now he’s created this axis of evil, right?” China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.”

Another national security concern is the “wide open” border that allows people on the FBI terrorist list to enter the U.S., he said. It also allows fentanyl to flow into the country, killing Americans at an alarming rate.

“It doesn’t have to be based on a (political) party. You want to base it on your children’s future – who is best to give your children and your country the best choice,” he said of why he thinks Trump will win overwhelmingly in 2024.

McCarthy said that since Biden took office there has been a

McCarthy said that since Biden took office there has been a “new creation of an axis of evil” of countries hostile to the US that have become emboldened

In an extensive interview with, Kevin McCarthy commented on his current relationship status with Donald Trump.

In an extensive interview with, Kevin McCarthy commented on his current relationship status with Donald Trump.

The CCP has

The CCP has “supported” North Korea’s growing missile operation and “expanded” it even further, posing a direct threat to Taiwan and the rest of the Indo-Pacific.

The Trump administration’s creation of the Abraham Accords to achieve Middle East peace was not “supported” by Biden, McCarthy said.

“But I saw him embrace random people and let them get billions more dollars to fund terrorism, pay for American hostages. So now there is turmoil all over the world. I’m a proponent of peace through strength, and I think history has proven that that’s a good thing.”

Under Trump’s leadership, “Putin never invaded another country, North Korea stopped testing, and Iran became weaker, not stronger,” he explained simply.