Labour’s Mark Drakeford quits as Welsh leader: First Minister who lost his wife just 11 months ago announces exit after rollercoaster five years that saw his popularity surge during Covid but crash dramatically amid NHS woes and 20mph row

Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford today announced his resignation after five years in office.

The 69-year-old has launched a competition to find his successor as leader of the Welsh Labor Party.

He expressed hope that a new first minister could be appointed before Easter.

Mr Drakeford announced his resignation at a press conference in Cardiff on the fifth anniversary of when he first became First Minister.

During his half-decade in power, Mr Drakeford has seen his popularity rise as he steered Wales through the Covid crisis.

But its ratings have since fallen amid ongoing problems with the NHS in Wales and the controversial introduction of a widespread 20mph speed limit on Welsh roads.

Tragedy struck Mr Drakeford earlier this year when his wife Claire died suddenly.

He spent much of 2020 isolated from Claire to keep her and her elderly mother safe as they shielded during the Covid pandemic.

Labour's Mark Drakeford today announced his resignation as First Minister of Wales.

Labour’s Mark Drakeford today announced his resignation as First Minister of Wales.

Drakeford was struck by tragedy earlier this year when his wife Claire died suddenly.

Drakeford was struck by tragedy earlier this year when his wife Claire died suddenly.

A recent YouGov poll of Welsh voters showed Mr Drakeford’s popularity is at an 18-month low, with more than half believing he is doing a poor job as first minister.

Mr Drakeford is stepping down as Labor leader with immediate effect but stressed he will continue to serve as First Minister until a replacement is found.

“In the meantime, I will remain First Minister in the full sense of the position,” he said.

Mr Drakeford insisted he still had a lot to achieve in the coming months and that he would have “plenty of time for political obituaries and retrospectives once I am no longer First Minister, but not before”.

He added: “Over a five-year period in which Wales has faced austerity, Brexit, the Covid pandemic, the climate crisis, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and four different prime ministers – so far – there will be a lot to reflect on.

“I hope that the next Welsh leader and First Minister will have the opportunity that I did not have, which is to work with the newly elected Labor government in London.

“And I will work as hard as I can to get a Labor government elected. ‘

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer described Drakeford as a “titan” of Welsh politics.

“Mark set a clear standard for public service in British politics, always putting others before himself,” Sir Keir said.

“In his five years as First Minister, against a backdrop of austerity, Westminster instability and the fight against a pandemic, he has delivered for Wales with steely resolve and calm authority.

“Above all, Mark is a kind and decent man who lives his Labor values.

“A proud Welshman, Wales can also be proud of Mark for his fight for working people. He is a true titan of Welsh and Labor politics. It was a pleasure working alongside him and we all wish him the best in his retirement.”

Welsh Conservative leader Andrew R.T. Davis said: “I wish Mark all the best as he steps away from the helm.

“While we may have different views on Wales, I know that my colleagues share my enormous respect for his dedication to the office of First Minister.

“However, it is important that this announcement does not distract from the really important work of helping the people of Wales. Labor politicians vying for the role of First Minister should not undermine this.”

Nicola Sturgeon, who stepped down as Scotland’s First Minister earlier this year, said Mr Drakeford was “without doubt one of the most decent, committed, principled and impressive politicians I have had the pleasure of working with during my time as Foreign Secretary affairs.”

The former SNP leader added: “He will be the hardest one to follow.”

Drakeford shocked by wife’s ‘sudden’ death in January

Mark Drakeford was left devastated by the “sudden” death of his wife Claire in January.

The close couple have been married since 1977 and have three children who are now adults.

The shocking news of her death at age 71 prompted a wave of sympathy from political allies and enemies alike.

During Covid, First Minister of Wales moved into a building in his garden to protect his wife and mother-in-law, who were covering for him.

He said his relatives were “vulnerable” and were in the top four priority groups for vaccination “due to their condition”.

Mr Drakeford then added: “I’m very grateful because they are both vulnerable. And while they were incredibly careful and didn’t do anything that put them at risk, the fact that they got the vaccine is a relief.”

The family lived in the Poncanna area of ​​Cardiff for 30 years.