Megyn Kelly claims Donald Trump has ‘lost multiple steps’ mentally but she’ll still ‘take him over Joe Biden any day of the week’

Megyn Kelly on Thursday said Donald Trump, 77, is noticeably less sharp than in 2016, but said she still feels he is “more prepared and more capable” than Joe Biden.

Kelly, who co-hosted Wednesday night’s Republican primary debate, appeared on fellow conservative Glenn Beck’s podcast to discuss the race.

She said Trump had “mentally missed a few steps,” noted that he had repeatedly said Barack Obama was president and warned that current policy mistakes could start “World War II.”

Beck asked her if she thought Trump had “moved away from where he was in 2020.”

Kelly replied: “Yes, I do. I mean, I’d take Joe Biden over him any day of the week. I don’t think he’s going to, you know, complete this term, let alone a second.

“But there is no doubt that Trump missed a step or steps.”

Megyn Kelly appeared on Glenn Beck's podcast Thursday to discuss the 2024 race.

Megyn Kelly appeared on Glenn Beck’s podcast Thursday to discuss the 2024 race.

Biden, 81, is struggling to convince the electorate that his age is not an issue: He has repeatedly said he should be judged on his achievements, but polls show his advancing years worry voters across the board.

Kelly said Trump didn’t show his age either.

“He’s confusing Joe Biden with Obama,” she said.

Trump said he used Obama’s name instead of Biden’s “sarcastically,” saying it was intended “as a sign that other people can actually have a very big influence on how our country is run.”

But Kelly said she didn’t believe his explanation.

“I know that he is now saying that he did it on purpose; go back and watch the clips. It wasn’t intentional.

“Look, any of us can have a reservation, but it happens to him multiple times. Mention of how someone is going to drag us into World War II, confusing the countries, confusing the cities where he is, and this is happening more and more often.”

Donald Trump, 77, has repeatedly confused Obama with Biden and incorrectly stated which city he is in.

Donald Trump, 77, has repeatedly confused Obama with Biden and incorrectly stated which city he is in.

Joe Biden, 81, is struggling to convince voters that his age doesn't matter to his candidacy.

Joe Biden, 81, is struggling to convince voters that his age doesn’t matter to his candidacy.

Kelly said the decline in mental alertness is not surprising.

“With all due respect to Trump, this is what happens when you’re 77,” she said.

“Trump seems inhumane, but he is not inhumane. He is a human. He’s a man.

“DeSantis’ message that Father Time spares no one was a good one.”

She concluded by saying that she would still choose Trump over Biden, despite Trump’s slowdown.

“So look, if it’s a choice between Trump and Biden, I don’t think there’s any question of who is more qualified and more capable,” she said.

“But are we really going to pretend that Donald Trump is as bright and sharp a mind as he was in ’16?”