Megyn Kelly reveals what Chris Christie REALLY told her during their heated off-air debate confrontation – and why it took 17 minutes to get to candidate that is ‘polling at 2%’

  • Debate moderator Megyn Kelly revealed what New Jersey’s ex Chris Christie told her when he angrily approached her during a commercial break.
  • Kelly said Thursday that Christie was “angry” that he wasn’t getting enough questions, although he also noted that he was “at 2 percent of the vote.”
  • During their conversations, Kelly assured the former New Jersey governor that he would have more time in the second half of the debate, which he did.

Megyn Kelly on Thursday revealed what former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told her during a heated on-air confrontation during Wednesday night’s Republican primary debate.

An audience member filmed Christie approaching Kelly and two other debate moderators after he lashed out at rival Vivek Ramaswamy over comments the entrepreneur made on stage about the former UN ambassador. Nikki Haley, another 2024 GOP hope.

Kelly said Christie was “furious.”

“Last night there was a video going around the internet of someone on the balcony filming Chris Christie coming up to yours truly during the break at the end of the first hour and kind of standing up in my grill,” she said.

Christy, she said, was “pissed that he doesn’t have enough questions,” to which Kelly pointed out to her SiriusXM audience: “He’s getting 2 percent!”

Megyn Kelly on Thursday revealed what former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told her during a heated off-air confrontation during Wednesday night's Republican primary debate, which was captured by a viewer.

Megyn Kelly on Thursday revealed what former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told her during a heated off-air confrontation during Wednesday night’s Republican primary debate, which was captured by a viewer.

Speaking on her SiriusXM show Thursday, Kelly - one of three moderators for Wednesday night's debate - said Christie was

Speaking on her SiriusXM show Thursday, Kelly – one of three moderators of Wednesday night’s debate – said Christie was “pissed off” because he didn’t have enough time, although she also noted that he only polled ‘2 percent. ‘

“In any debate, and I’ve done six of them, have we asked as many questions to the guy who got 3 percent as to the guy who’s leading, at least among the candidates on stage,” Kelly said. . “I’m so sorry, Governor Christie. The way it is.

Christie’s National Poll Average, according to Real Clear Politicsis 2.5 percent.

During their conversations, Kelly assured the former New Jersey governor that he would have more time for the final part of the debate.

“I said: “We will come to you. In the second hour you’ll be happy,’ and I lived up to it,” Kelly said.

She also said Christie was “right” about being expelled.

“And the reason why this happened is because we allowed them to fight in the first 40 minutes of the debate, and therefore it comes at the expense of something,” she explained. “And it’s all at the expense of something else that’s going to happen.”

Citing CNN data, Kelly said the candidates had about the same amount of time to talk.

Ramaswamy held the floor for 22 minutes, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis got 21, Haley got 17 and Christie — who is a single-digit scorer nationally with Ramaswamy — got 16 minutes and 52 seconds, Kelly said.

“So he was half a minute behind Haley, who came in first,” Kelly said of the four GOP candidates in the debate.

Former President Donald Trump refused to take the stage and is the undisputed leader of the election race.

“So I don’t want to hear it, honestly, we did the right thing,” Kelly continued. “He got a ton of airtime. That’s what he was angry about.

“I like the guy, but just want to break the news on something that people are speculating about… they never like it when they don’t have a chance to speak,” the former Fox News host added.

Christie openly expressed his displeasure at being the last to be asked the question.

He opened his debate speech by saying, “We have 17 minutes until the debate starts.”

He then criticized his three rivals for “acting as if this race is between the four of us” and refusing to challenge Trump.