Obesity pay gap revealed: Fat women in white collar jobs earn 19% less than their slim peers while for men it’s 14%

Figures show that obese people working in white-collar jobs earn significantly less than their slimmer counterparts.

An analysis by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that men with college degrees and a BMI over 30 earned five percent less than their peers at a healthy weight.

The difference was even greater among women: obese women and women with higher levels of education earned 12 percent less than their thinner counterparts.

The study took into account race, age and marital status, which can influence how much money a person makes, as well as inequality.

A study suggests there is a “fat bias” in corporate America that is causing obese people to lose billions of dollars in income.

But the analysis found the opposite was true in blue-collar jobs, where obese workers are paid better than their slimmer counterparts.

When researchers compared men with bachelor's degrees, they found that those who were obese earned five percent less than their non-obese counterparts.

When researchers compared men with bachelor’s degrees, they found that those who were obese earned five percent less than their non-obese counterparts.

In the analysis carried out EconomistThe researchers analyzed data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on 23,000 men and women ages 25 to 54 who work full-time.

In addition to looking at men with bachelor’s degrees, they compared men with more advanced degrees.

When the researchers compared men with advanced degrees and those who were obese earned 14 percent less.

Women faced the same fate, but the difference was greater. Obese women with a bachelor’s degree earned 12 percent less than their counterparts, and women with college degrees earned 19 percent less.

The career a person chooses matters: the pay gap between obese workers and those with a normal BMI varies across industries.

Obese healthcare workers can expect to earn 11 percent less than slimmer colleagues, and obese employees in management positions earn 9 percent less.

However, the opposite is true for workers in construction and agriculture: workers who are obese earn more than people with a normal BMI.

About 42 percent of adults in the United States are considered obese—they have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, which is roughly equivalent to a person who is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs 203 pounds or more.

This means millions of Americans are potentially losing tens of thousands of dollars.

The Economist determined that discrimination against both women and men with an obese BMI could cause them to lose up to $70 billion a year.

Previous studies show similar results.

Research from 2019 found that BMI was associated with chronic discrimination at work: study subjects classified as obese and morbidly obese reported higher discrimination at work compared to subjects with normal BMI.

Separate 2018 a meta-analysis of 21 studies found an inverse causal relationship between obesity and income, showing that lower income was associated with subsequent obesity.

Due to growing evidence indicating weight discrimination in employment, a number of state and local leaders are considering laws prohibiting weight discrimination in employment, including Massachusetts, New Jersey and Vermont.

In May, the mayor of New York signed a law banning discrimination against anyone based on their height or weight.

In addition, San Francisco and Washington DC prohibit discrimination based on appearance.

However, for the study, researchers from The Economist analyzed the wage gap between obese workers and workers with a normal BMI only in Michigan, where a similar ban has been in effect for almost half a century.

Despite this legislation, they found that the penalty for obesity was no lower than in America as a whole.

While those studies relied on a person’s BMI to determine obesity, the American Medical Association voted in June to stop using that measurement to assess weight and overall health, saying it is “an imperfect way to measure fat in multiple groups given that it actually works ” does not take into account differences between race/ethnic groups, sex, gender and age.”

Instead, the AMA suggested educating doctors about BMI and using alternative methods to diagnose obesity.