Ron DeSantis tears into Donald Trump comparing himself to service members’ ‘bravery’ by debating Hillary Clinton after Access Hollywood tape incident

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said it was “insulting” for Donald Trump to compare himself to members of the U.S. military over his decision to debate Hillary Clinton in 2015 following the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

In his outspoken criticism of the ex-president, DeSantis again attacked Trump for refusing to take the 2020 Republican presidential race seriously – in particular, for refusing to debate.

“This is a different Donald Trump than ’15 and ’16,” DeSantis told CNN host Jake Tapper during a town hall in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday night.

“You know, he was a bright man back then, but it was really America first—as far as politics were concerned,” he continued. “It’s all about him now.”

“And when he does that and says the debate with Hillary Clinton after Access Hollywood was like an example of bravery that some general said was more important than the soldiers who fight and die in war, it’s insulting and wrong.” .

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called it

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called it “insulting” that Donald Trump compared himself to the US military while discussing his victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, even after the Access Hollywood tape was made public.

DeSantis joined CNN anchor Jake Tapper at a town hall in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday night, where he answered questions from the host and live studio audience.

DeSantis joined CNN anchor Jake Tapper at a town hall in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday night, where he answered questions from the host and live studio audience.

In a seemingly out of the blue, Trump decided Saturday night to rehash the notorious and vulgar Access Hollywood tape, which hasn’t made headlines for years, and in which the then-candidate was heard saying he could use his celebrity status to “grab” women. damn it.’

Trump is the clear favorite in the 2024 Republican presidential primary – even though he has so far refused to discuss his competitors in four separate battles dating back to August.

Speaking live to an intimate audience from a studio at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa, DeSantis made the case for why he should be the next president of the United States.

Part of his reasoning is that the person who receives the nomination must “earn it,” which he says Trump doesn’t do.

“Debates are the minimum a political candidate should do,” DeSantis lamented Tuesday night. “And I would like to point out that Donald Trump has refused to debate throughout this entire campaign.”

“He doesn’t think he has an obligation to the public, he doesn’t think he has an obligation to the Granite Staters to show up and debate and answer questions,” he said, referring to New Hampshire, which is holding its second primary after Iowa. .

“He doesn’t think he should come and answer questions from voters,” DeSantis continued. “Many times he would come, give a speech and leave. He’s not going to visit all 99 counties. No one is eligible for this nomination. You must earn this nomination. And part of what you do is you show up, you answer people’s questions, you shake their hands and you show them that you care about the future of their communities.”

CNN, along with hosting a town hall with DeSantis and rival Vivek Ramaswamy on Wednesday, is also hosting two Republican presidential primary debates, in both Iowa and New Hampshire, ahead of the respective primary caucuses and elections in states with early contests underway. competition

Trump likely won’t appear at any primary debates, saying it’s not worth his time because he’s so much taller than everyone else.

The former president spoke at the New York Young Republican Club’s annual gala on Saturday.

Donald Trump said on Saturday that the general, whom he did not name, felt more

Donald Trump said on Saturday that the general, whom he did not name, felt more “brave” than soldiers on the battlefield during a debate with Hillary Clinton in 2015 (pictured) after Access Hollywood “got her for the pussy.” the tape came out

He bragged about his ability to win in 2016 despite the release of the tape, and said almost everyone told him to pull out of the 2016 race after the video surfaced.

He claimed that the general, whom he did not name, told him that the explanation for the “locker room talk” was “the bravest thing I’ve ever seen” – even braver than seeing Americans die on the battlefield.

In the recording, Trump said: “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful people – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just a kiss. I’m not even waiting. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.’

“Grab them by the pussy.” You can do anything,” he can be heard saying on the tape.

The repeat of the lewd remarks came shortly after he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity during an Iowa town hall last week that he would act like a “dictator” if he were re-elected – but only on “day one.”