Scottish government loses gender self-ID court case as judges rule that Westminster can overrule Holyrood to block trans law

The Scottish Government has lost its fight to pass a controversial trans law after a court ruled Westminster had the power to overturn Holyrood’s decision.

The SNP administration brought the case after Scottish Secretary Alistair Jack blocked the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill.

The law passed by MSP would allow teenagers to identify as another gender starting at age 16.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Megan Gallagher MP said: “This is a humiliating defeat for Humza Yousaf and the Scottish National Party, who have once again wasted taxpayers’ money on a self-serving but doomed court case.

“Their reckless gender recognition reform bill is deeply unpopular with the Scottish public because its self-identification policy puts the safety of women and girls at risk – as demonstrated by the case of a double rapist sent to a women’s prison.

“In addition, the Bill affected equality legislation south of the border, so the UK Government had no choice but to make a Section 35 order.

“Rather than take this as a signal to rework their flawed bill, the SNP dug in its heels and turned women’s safety into yet another constitutional grievance – a cynical tactic that has now backfired.

“Humza Yusuf must now listen to the court, as well as the court of public opinion, rather than appeal this decision and abandon the bill forever. We all want the lives of transgender people to improve, but this cannot come at the expense of the hard-won rights of women and girls.”