Trump trial damage: Rudy Giuliani’s son Andrew faces ‘Hamas whore’ as former president’s fans and his biggest critics flock to Manhattan courthouse for Stormy Daniels showdown

Trump supporters faced counter-protesters outside the courthouse in New York, where the former president’s hush money trial begins Monday morning.

In fiery scenes, flag-waving Trump fans chanted slogans protesting his innocence and called the trial, which centers on allegations that Trump had sex with porn star Stormy Daniels, who then paid to keep the affair quiet, politically motivated.

Opponents of the ex-president also gathered and tried to drown out the support with chants of ‘no one is above the law’.

The protests highlight the huge divide in opinion over the cases against Trump, who will become the first former president in history to face criminal charges.

At one point, a masked protester with a placard read ‘Free TikTok’ and ‘Jews vs. TikTok’, anti-Semitic slogans and was confronted by several others for his remarks.

Trump supporters faced counter-protesters outside the New York courthouse, where the former president's hush money trial begins Monday morning

Trump supporters faced counter-protesters outside the New York courthouse, where the former president’s hush money trial begins Monday morning

Opponents of the former president also gathered and tried to drown out the support with chants of 'no one is above the law'

Opponents of the former president also gathered and tried to drown out the support with chants of 'no one is above the law'

Opponents of the former president also gathered and tried to drown out the support with chants of ‘no one is above the law’

Rudy Giuliani's son also joined the crowd of Trump supporters, telling that it was 'irrelevant' whether the former president slept with Stormy Daniels or not.

Rudy Giuliani's son also joined the crowd of Trump supporters, telling that it was 'irrelevant' whether the former president slept with Stormy Daniels or not.

Rudy Giuliani’s son also joined the crowd of Trump supporters, telling that it was ‘irrelevant’ whether the former president slept with Stormy Daniels or not.

The tense exchange almost turned violent after a woman shouted back at the man, but others intervened.

Rudy Giuliani’s son also joined the crowd of Trump supporters, telling that it was ‘irrelevant’ whether the former president slept with Stormy Daniels.

Andrew Giuliani said it would not be a crime if Trump had an affair with the porn star and said the hush money case was a political attack.

‘I have known President Trump for almost 25 years. He’s a mentor, a friend and almost like an uncle figure,” Giuliani said. “I’m very sorry for our country.”

Giuliani claimed that Trump has been ‘persecuted’ and that the Biden administration has ‘no problem going after conservatives including Trump’.

He said that “in a lot of ways, it’s kind of irrelevant” whether Trump slept with Stormy Daniels. The former president has denied the affair and the hush money payments.

‘We are in a courtroom, this is not a church. “Whether he did it or not, it doesn’t matter,” Giuliani said.

Dion Cino, a Trump supporter who regularly protests at the courthouse for the former president’s civil and criminal hearings, told ‘Every time they impeach Trump, he just goes up in the polls.

They are failed political attempts by the left that actually help Donald Trump.’ Cini, 55, carried a MAGA and waved by far the largest flag at the rally – with the message Trump 2024 Save America.

He also had another flag that said Don Jr 2028. Another supporter wearing a baseball cap that said Asian Pacific Americans for Trump, who declined to give his name, said he moved to the United States from China 20 years ago and fears that freedom is threatened in America.

‘I think this country is in decline and going in the wrong direction. This case, this trial is unfair.

‘The American legal system is two tiered.’

Protesters and supporters of Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump on the day of his quiet money crime, in New York City, USA, on April 15

Protesters and supporters of Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump on the day of his quiet money crime, in New York City, USA, on April 15

Protesters and supporters of Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump on the day of his quiet money crime trial in New York City, the United States, on April 15

Republican U.S. presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump attends the trial at Manhattan Criminal Court Monday, April 15, 2024, in New York City

Republican U.S. presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump attends the trial at Manhattan Criminal Court Monday, April 15, 2024, in New York City

Republican U.S. presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump attends the trial at Manhattan Criminal Court Monday, April 15, 2024, in New York City

Former US President Donald Trump (C) arrives to attend the first day of his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York, US, April 15, 2024

Former US President Donald Trump (C) arrives to attend the first day of his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York, US, April 15, 2024

Former US President Donald Trump (C) arrives to attend the first day of his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York, US, April 15, 2024

Meanwhile, Steve Merczynski showed his support with a custom MAGA scarf and shirt in the colors of the US flag.

‘I’m not a lawyer, but I hear what lawyers are saying, including those who are not voting for Trump. Our whole justice system is corrupt,’ said Merczynski, who runs a website selling MAGA hammocks.

Several dozen supporters were gathered behind a barrier directly in front of the courthouse with their flags and billboards.

About 100 yards away in a separate enclosure, a similar number of Trump opponents held their own flags with messages calling for Trump to be impeached.

The crowds on both sides were massively outnumbered by the press, who gathered in their hundreds from around the globe for the trial.

Shortly before At 9am, a small crowd of anti-Trump protesters marched along a section of the street adjacent to the former president’s supporters, chanting ‘No one is above the law, Trump is not above the law’.

A woman who leads the group said: ‘The reason we’re here is because this is about election interference.’

She said Trump’s alleged hush money payments were intended to silence the porn star so she could not reveal their affair during the 2016 election campaign.

“Trump tried to suppress information that he saw as damaging to him,” the woman said. ‘He broke the law by doing that.’