Twisted drugs gangsters who kidnapped two men then subjected them to the ‘most malevolent acts of torture’ during sadistic four-day ordeal are jailed

A group of drug traffickers who kidnapped two men and then forced them to “bark like dogs, have sex and dance” in a campaign of sadistic torture have been jailed.

Kasam Zaman, 37, Steven Storey, 41, and Kurtis Hayes, 33, held the couple hostage for four days, during which they were beaten, tortured, weaponized and humiliated.

Birmingham Crown Court heard the “brutal” violence involved two men attacking and sexually assaulting each other, causing one of them to “bark like a dog”.

One of the men was also forced to sing and dance to a rap song played on a mobile phone, and if he made a mistake during the performance, he was attacked.

In this case, drumsticks were shoved into one man’s nose, and a stick with nails was inserted into the other’s mouth.

Curtis Hayes was found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment and six counts of assault causing bodily harm.

Curtis Hayes was found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment and six counts of assault causing bodily harm.

The two “terrified” men thought they were going to die but managed to escape and ran straight to the police station.

The three were found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment. Zaman and Storey were also found guilty of causing a person to engage in sexual activity and ten assault charges, while Hayes was found guilty of six assault charges.

Zaman was sentenced to life imprisonment and must serve a minimum term of 12 years. Storey was sentenced to 15 years in prison and Hayes was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The court was told cannabis dealer Zaman pursued the first man who claimed he had lost or stolen his drugs and needed to pay him back.

He then imprisoned his friend as well, before attempts were made to extort money from both of them, subjecting them to “the most brutal tortures”.

Passing sentence, Judge Simon Drew K.S. stated: “Both men were the subject of false imprisonment. Attempts to extort money have intensified. Threats, attacks and intimidation have also increased.”

He said that both men were initially forced to do household chores, and their phones and bank cards were taken away.

One day, Zaman at around 4 am entered the room where they were kept and poured cold water on them, which was like a “water boarding school”.

Stephen Storey was found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment causing a person to engage in sexual activity and four counts of assault occasioning bodily harm.

Stephen Storey was found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment causing a person to engage in sexual activity and four counts of assault occasioning bodily harm.

He added: “The two men were told the amount had increased from £2,000 to £6,000.

“They were scared and at this stage they believed they were going to die. Various objects were thrown at them, including a can of beans.”

Judge Drew said they were also threatened with having their toes cut off. He added: “I have read the victim’s personal statements. it is clear that the impact on both men was very serious indeed.

“Both suffer from serious mental health problems. You deliberately targeted two vulnerable victims.

“You have repeatedly used violence, including using weapons. You caused bodily harm to both victims, sometimes using sadistic and physically aggressive behavior, both sexual and physical.

“You humiliated and humiliated both of your victims by forcing them to have sex with each other.”

The court heard Zaman gave his drugs to one of the victims to keep an eye on after his door was broken into a week ago.

Andrew Wallace, prosecuting, said: “Zaman accused him of stealing or losing these drugs.

Kasam Zaman was found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment resulting in a person engaging in sexual activity and 11 offenses of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Kasam Zaman was found guilty of two counts of false imprisonment resulting in a person engaging in sexual activity and 11 offenses of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

“This was the catalyst for all kinds of humiliation, senseless beatings for revenge.

“He then called Story, his right-hand man, to come over and the beatings began.

“This included punches and kicks to the face and body. They were cruel. It involved humiliation, torture and humiliation of two people.

“They also decided to take it out on his friend. Therefore, they were both punished and humiliated in different ways.

“They had their things stolen and taken hostage.” They tried to extort money from these two people. Two days after the torture began, Hayes intervened.”

Mr Wallace added: “They were held against their will and subjected to the most horrendous intimate conditions.

“When Hayes became involved, they began exchanging ideas and the beatings became more sexual and violent.

‘The two assisted Zaman in sadistic and perverted methods of punishment.

“They were subjected to the most brutal torture. This was over a long period of time. They forced the victims to attack each other.”

One day one of the men was given a can of beans and told to throw it at the other man.

The men were sentenced at a hearing at Birmingham Crown Court on Friday.

The men were sentenced at a hearing at Birmingham Crown Court on Friday.

When he missed, Zaman picked up the can and threw it forcefully at his head, causing injury.

Mr Wallace said the men were also threatened with knives and a screwdriver.

He added: “Each of the accused took part in the violence by encouraging each other.”

They were also deprived of sleep and a video was taken of one of the men sexually assaulting the other, which was then sent to the man’s daughter.

Mr Wallace added: “The ultimate humiliation was the video.” The trio, all from Birmingham, also took their phones and bank cards which they used to withdraw cash.

He said the men fled one evening when everything was quiet in the apartment and security for the accused had been removed.

Mr Wallace said the men “ran as fast as they could to the police station to report it”. Their torture is over.”

When police arrived at the apartment, Storey and Zaman were desperately trying to get rid of evidence during the arrest, the case states.