‘WHY are you obsessed with a two-state solution?’ Israeli Ambassador to Britain’s furious outburst during heated interview over Gaza bombing – as official warns it could take MONTHS to wipe out Hamas

This is the moment Israel’s ambassador to Britain flew into a rage during a heated interview over the bombing of the Gaza Strip, before warning it could take months to destroy Hamas.

Tzipi Hotovely rejected calls for a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians in an interview with Sky News.

She said: “I think it’s time for the world to realize that the Oslo paradigm collapsed on October 7 and we need to build a new one.”

When asked whether the new agreement would include Palestinians living in their own state, Ms. Hotovely replied: “I think the biggest question is, ‘What type of Palestinians are on the other side?’

She continued: “The answer is absolutely no, and I’ll tell you why. Israel knows today, and the world should know now, that the reason the Oslo agreement failed is because the Palestinians never wanted a state next to Israel. They want to have a state from the river to the sea.”

When told that the solution might be dead, she said, “Why are you so obsessed with a formula that has never worked and that has created these radical people on the other side?” Why are you so obsessed with this?

Hotovely, 45, said in an interview:

Hotovely, 45, said in an interview: “I think it’s time for the world to realize that the Oslo paradigm collapsed on October 7 and we need to build a new one.”

Palestinians rescue their belongings after an Israeli strike in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

Palestinians rescue their belongings after an Israeli strike in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

Ms. Hotovely also complained about the fact that the Palestinian Authority refused to condemn the October 7 attack.

Referring to the events of last night, she was asked about the UN demands for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

She replied: “Ceasefire? No. Essentially, this means that we would welcome another attack (like the one that occurred) on October 7.”

She also hit out at US President Joe Biden’s comments yesterday that Gaza was being bombed “indiscriminately”.

She said: “Do you remember any country in the world creating a humanitarian corridor to the enemy?” I don’t remember you helping Nazi Germany during the war, and I don’t remember America helping the Japanese during World War II.”

Ms Hotovely appeared on LBC’s Andrew Marr program last month when she was asked about the idea of ​​a “two-state solution” in which Israel would co-exist alongside an independent Palestinian state.

A view of destroyed buildings after Israeli attacks in Gaza City, Gaza Strip, December 13, 2023.

A view of destroyed buildings after Israeli attacks in Gaza City, Gaza Strip, December 13, 2023.

Smoke rising in the Shujaiyya area of ​​Gaza is seen from Israel as it continues to station soldiers, tanks, warplanes and armored vehicles in the Gaza Strip in Nahal Oz, Israel, December 13, 2023.

Smoke rising in the Shujaiyya area of ​​Gaza is seen from Israel as it continues to station soldiers, tanks, warplanes and armored vehicles in the Gaza Strip in Nahal Oz, Israel, December 13, 2023.

Mr Marr asked about a two-state solution, saying: “Don’t you think that after what happened on October 7, a two-state solution is possible anymore?”

Ms. Hotovely responded: “It is impossible because, as we say, the political leader of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, refuses to condemn the terrible crimes that Hamas has committed, so he does not even try to appear as a different leader than the leader of Hamas. leaders in the Gaza Strip.”

The October 7 massacre is called Israel’s September 11th. About 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed by Hamas terrorists.

In response, Israel launched an offensive on Gaza City that resulted in thousands of civilian casualties.

Israeli authorities insist they do not want to permanently occupy the Gaza Strip at the end of the war and that its troops are trying to root out Hamas and the remaining hostages taken by the terrorists in an attempt to guarantee Israel’s own security.

Ms. Hotovely noted that Israel ended its occupation of the strip 18 years ago.

Ambassador criticizes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for 'refusal to condemn' October 7 attack

Ambassador criticizes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for ‘refusal to condemn’ October 7 attack

Palestinian members of the Ezz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, burn military armored vehicles belonging to Israeli forces near the Gaza Strip, Gaza, October 7.

Palestinian members of the Ezz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, burn military armored vehicles belonging to Israeli forces near the Gaza Strip, Gaza, October 7.

She added: “We left Gaza in 2005, so we were not interested in controlling the population of Gaza,” she said. “But the problem that created the events of October 7 was that Israel did not control the security of all the munitions in the Gaza Strip.

“So the Prime Minister said that in order to demilitarize the Gaza Strip, Israel must have military capabilities in the Gaza Strip, as we have in many other places in the region, to protect our people.

“And I fear that no other country will voluntarily demilitarize the Gaza Strip.”

Ms Hotovely has been described as a hardliner, and while working under Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as settlement minister, she gave a speech in which she said Israel was trying too hard to pacify the world.

Her appointment as ambassador to Britain sparked controversy among critics who said she was in favor of annexing Palestinian land.

In recent weeks, the ambassador has criticized Britain and said London feels less safe for Jews than Israel.

Writing in the The Washington News on October 12, Ms Hotovely said: “Anti-Semitism is on the rise in the UK – up 324 per cent on the same period last year – and as a mother this is very painful to read.” Pupils at Jewish schools in this country have been told not to wear jackets on the way to school.”

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, she said the Jewish community felt fear due to the “jihadist ideology” it witnessed during pro-Palestinian protests in the capital last month.

Hotovely, who has previously been called “Zionist scum” and chased by angry mobs on the streets of Britain, said that as long as we live in a democracy, freedom of speech must be limited to prevent people from inciting hatred.

Ms. Hotovely noted that Israel ended its occupation of the strip 18 years ago.

Ms. Hotovely noted that Israel ended its occupation of the strip 18 years ago.

She told the publication: “Since these demonstrations began, I continue to receive WhatsApp messages from friends in Israel. People ask me, do you feel safe there? Do Jews feel safe?

“They feel that London is less safe than Israel during this war. They see the same jihadist ideology on the streets of London as in the Gaza Strip and wonder what is going on.”

Hotovely, who was the first woman ever appointed to the position, was herself subjected to vile anti-Semitic abuse while speaking across Britain.

Last year, protesters who tried to block her car as she attended a Cambridge Union debate called her a “Zionist scumbag”.

Protesters could be heard chanting Hamas slogans and setting off fireworks during the demonstration.

In 2021, she herself called far-left activists “disgraceful” after they tried to intimidate her following a lecture at the London School of Economics.

The diplomat was harassed by an angry crowd after giving a lecture at the London School of Economics student union debating society.