Australia’s new immigration rules explained: Stricter English language tests and dodgy courses targeted as foreign arrivals surge

The federal government will crack down on international students gaming the visa system, but will offer a new pathway for skilled migrants with high salaries.

International students will also have to score higher in English language tests to prove they are competent, but not necessarily good, at speaking, listening and reading Australia’s national language.

Home Secretary Claire O’Neill is promising to cut overall net overseas migration by 185,000 over four years under new, stricter rules.

But the Treasury now forecasts 510,000 migrants will arrive in 2022-23 – up from 400,000 predicted in May’s Budget.

The half-year economic and budget forecast also expects 375,000 arrivals in 2023-24 – up from the 315,000 forecast just seven months ago.

Immigration has shown no signs of slowing so far, with a net 440,300 permanent and long-term arrivals recorded in the year to October, new data released on Tuesday showed.

The federal government is now promising to crack down on international students gaming the visa system, but is offering a new route for skilled migrants with six-figure salaries (pictured are students outside the University of New South Wales).

The federal government is now promising to crack down on international students gaming the visa system, but is offering a new route for skilled migrants with six-figure salaries (pictured are students outside the University of New South Wales).

Home Secretary Claire O'Neill pledges to cut overall net overseas migration by 185,000 over four years under new, stricter rules (pictured left with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese).

Home Secretary Claire O’Neill pledges to cut overall net overseas migration by 185,000 over four years under new, stricter rules (pictured left with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese).

With permanent migration capped at 190,000 this financial year, international students made up the bulk of annual arrivals, with 38,790 of them coming to Australia in October alone.

The Treasury is now forecasting 1.6 million permanent and long-term overseas arrivals over the five years to June 2027, a big jump from the 1.5 million arrivals forecast in the last Budget.

But the Labor Party says migration would have risen by 1.8 million people in five years if tough measures had not been taken.

These are the new measures outlined in the Migration Strategy, which the Home Office published on Monday.

Foreign students who receive a hop visa

The government promised “apply additional check’ to international students applying for another student visa.

The Department of Home Affairs cites data showing that the trend of students moving “particularly to courses below their current level of study to extend their stay in Australia is increasing.”

The number of international students living in Australia on a second or subsequent student visa has increased by more than 30 percent. more than 150,000 in 2022-23.

The biggest increase in ‘bridge visas’ has been seen in the vocational education and training sector, where students are less likely to complete their course.

In 2022-23, 69,000 students were granted a subsequent student visa or transferred to a vocational course, compared with 42,000 students in 2018-19 before the pandemic.

new gwill require a real student test any eligible students filing an application within Australia to provide evidence demonstration of any the subsequent course will further their career or complement their degree in an area of ​​specialization.

This may include undertaking research towards a postgraduate Master’s degree.

“Prospective international students who cannot demonstrate such reasonable progress from their original course of study will not be able to take the actual student test,” the department said.

Students will now be required to take English language tests, with the government arguing that existing English language requirements in Australia are less stringent than in Canada (Universal Learning Group English student pictured).

Students will now be required to take English language tests, with the government arguing that existing English language requirements in Australia are less stringent than in Canada (Universal Learning Group English student pictured).

English language requirements

Students will now be required to score higher in English language tests as the government says existing requirements in Australia are less stringent than in Canada.

The Labor Party argued that this was also done to prevent job exploitation.

‘English Skill level has a clear and direct link to good education and labor market outcomes,” the department said.

This followed a separate migration review which found that “lower English language proficiency can make migrants more vulnerable to exploitation”.

To obtain a student visa, a foreigner must score six out of nine on the International English Language Testing System, which would indicate that someone has “modest” knowledge of the English language.

This is far from a perfect score, which implies proficiency in English, or “seven” points for “good.”

Target dubious education providers

Unsavory private “high-risk” education providers who advertise their courses as a route to permanent residency will face “targeted scrutiny”.

Ms O’Neill has ordered her department to prioritize student visa applications to low-risk education providers, which are likely to include reputable universities.

But less reputable private colleges may face long waits for visas.

“Higher risk providers will experience slower processing times as visa decision makers consider the integrity of the provider as well as individual student applicants,” the department said.

The new rules will come into force by the end of this year, in time for the 2023-2024 student visa season.

Crackdown on temporary graduate visas

Former student visa holders are eligible for a temporary graduate visa, giving them the right to work in Australia after completing their studies.

The migration survey found that former international students are among the largest cohort of “permanently temporary” migrants, with more than 50 per cent of them working in low-skilled jobs.

This means they are not on track to gain skilled work experience to qualify for a skilled permanent visa.

Consequently, 19,000 students and graduates remained in Australia for nine years.

Highly skilled workers earning at least $135,000 will be eligible for a new specialist skills program designed to

Highly skilled workers earning at least $135,000 will be eligible for a new specialist skills program designed to “stimulate innovation and job creation” (pictured is a stock image of mining engineers in Western Australia’s Pilbara region).

“These migrants are unable to fully establish a life in Australia and face labor market barriers due to their temporary status.

To correct this, the test score required to obtain a temporary graduate visa will increase.

This will require an International English Language Testing System score of 6.5 out of 9 (up from 6 previously), which would indicate a “competent” level of English proficiency.

Qualified Professional for those with a salary of $135,000.

Highly skilled workers earning at least $135,000 will be eligible for a new skills program designed to “stimulate innovation and job creation.”

Skilled migrants in this position will be required to earn the same as Australian workers in the same position. class.

To be eligible, they must be nominated by an approved employer and meet health and character requirements.

This will apply to any profession, with the exception of laborers, machine operators and laborers, who will not be eligible.

With the unemployment rate still low at 3.7 percent, the government says prioritizing the top 10 percent could add $3.4 billion to the economy over the next decade.”without taking into account the wider significant economic benefit to their employers and the Australian economy.”