Donald Trump wishes Americans a very Merry Christmas as he prays for their health, safety … plus a victory in the polls!

On Christmas Eve, former President Donald Trump wished the American people a happy holiday, expressing prayers for their health and safety and victory in the polls.

In a video posted to his Truth Social account on Sunday afternoon, Trump expressed warm wishes for a happy, joyful and wonderful Christmas season.

Emphasizing the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ, he highlighted ancient history as a source of joy, hope and peace.

“Melania and I would like to wish everyone a very happy, joyful and wonderful Christmas,” he said.

“At this sacred time of year, Christians everywhere give thanks to God that more than 2,000 years ago, God sent his only son into the world to become the savior of all mankind. The birth of Jesus Christ is a true miracle that we celebrate every Christmas,” Trump continued.

On Christmas Eve, former President Donald Trump wished the American people a happy holiday, praying for their health and safety and for victory in the election.

On Christmas Eve, former President Donald Trump wished the American people a happy holiday, praying for their health and safety and for victory in the election.

In a video posted to his Truth Social account on Sunday afternoon, Trump expressed warm wishes for a happy, joyful and wonderful Christmas season.

In a video posted to his Truth Social account on Sunday afternoon, Trump expressed warm wishes for a happy, joyful and wonderful Christmas season.

“He is the ultimate source of our joy, our hope, our sense of peace and goodwill when we gather with family and loved ones. It’s such a wonderful time of year. That’s why we can never stop saying that beautiful phrase: “Merry Christmas,” he said.

“On this holiday, we thank God for the many blessings He has given us,” Trump added.

Trump concluded by praying for the safety of the military and expressing a vision for a stronger and greater America in the future.

“We pray for the safety of our men and women in uniform at home and abroad. And we ask God to guide us, give us strength and watch over us in the decisive year ahead. With His help, by this time next year, we will be well on our way to making America safer, stronger, greater and more prosperous than ever before,” Trump continued.

“Once again Melania and I wish you a Merry Christmas. God bless you all. Let 2024 be the best year of our lives,” he concluded.

Video captioned “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” garnered thousands of likes and comments with supporters wishing them a happy holiday and expressing support for Trump’s 2024 presidential run.

Sociologists and political strategists say the Colorado Supreme Court's decision will only increase Donald Trump's chances of winning in 2024.

Sociologists and political strategists say the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision will only increase Donald Trump’s chances of winning in 2024.

“Donald Trump thrives on negativity, he thrives on legal systems that try to hold him accountable.  And I am confident that his voter base will grow,” pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz told CNN.

“Donald Trump thrives on negativity, he thrives on legal systems that try to hold him accountable. And I am confident that his voter base will grow,” pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz told CNN.

Earlier this week, pollsters and political strategists said Trump was more likely to win in 2024 after Colorado ruled to bar the former president from the primary.

Colorado’s high-profile decision to remove Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot will be “rocket fuel” to his chances of winning the White House in a rematch against Joe Biden in 2024, pollsters and experts predict.

The former president’s son Eric Trump also said the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision would boost his father’s standing in the Republican primary by at least 5 percent.

It comes after the state’s highest court ruled Tuesday night that Trump violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, the so-called “insurrection clause” of the Constitution.

The 4-3 decision by the Democratic-appointed justices concluded that Trump participated in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection and therefore disqualified himself from running for public office.

For the first time in history, the insurrection clause was used to prevent a presidential candidate from appearing on a state’s presidential ballot.

But the Trump campaign plans to take the issue to the US Supreme Court, where the vote will be six conservative justices versus three liberal justices. Three sitting judges were appointed by Trump.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump talk on the phone with children while tracking down Santa Claus with the help of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), back in 2018.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump talk on the phone with children while tracking down Santa Claus with the help of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), back in 2018.

Melania Trump decorated the East Colonnade with dramatic white fronds in 2017, her first year as First Lady.  A photo shoot of her walking down a hallway in a white bell-shaped dress was turned into a meme and called creepy.

Melania Trump decorated the East Colonnade with dramatic white fronds in 2017, her first year as First Lady. A photo shoot of her walking down a hallway in a white bell-shaped dress was turned into a meme and called creepy.

Renowned pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz said in an interview Tuesday that Colorado’s decision will have “the same impact as his 91 indictments,” which sent Trump’s poll numbers soaring.

“Trump now has an even better chance of beating Biden,” he predicted in an interview.

Trump faces criminal charges in New York, Washington, D.C., Florida and Georgia related to election interference, mishandling classified documents and concealing cash payments.

With each new set of allegations, Trump’s ratings rose as he already led the primary race.

“Every time Trump had an adversarial interaction with the legal system, it was like rocket fuel to Republican voters because it reinforced his core message that he had been (and had been) treated unfairly since he burst onto the scene,” Republican strategist Scott Jennings said in a statement to

“Republicans see this the same way they saw the two impeachments, the indictments, the Russia investigation and everything else – just another attempt by the elites and Democrats to prevent Trump and his voters from getting a fair election victory,” he added, agreeing with the sentiment. Lunts about the latest resolution.

“For Trump haters, this is like getting drunk at the office Christmas party,” Jennings said. “It may seem funny tonight, but tomorrow you will really, really regret it.”

Trump lost Colorado to Joe Biden by 13 points in 2020 and doesn’t need the state to win back the White House in 2024.

Former President Donald Trump, seen in 2016, offers Christmas wrapping paper with a photo taken while he was being processed in Fulton County, Georgia.

Former President Donald Trump, seen in 2016, offers Christmas wrapping paper with a photo taken while he was being processed in Fulton County, Georgia.

Making the List: Trump Campaign Promotes Infamous Photo of President on Wrapping Paper Offered as Author Gift

Making the List: Trump Campaign Promotes Infamous Photo of President on Wrapping Paper Offered as Author Gift

Last month, Trump unveiled his infamous photo on Christmas-themed wrapping paper as a solicitation for campaign donations.

Trump, who famously held campaign rallies with colorful Christmas decorations and who in 2016 claimed to have brought back the phrase “Merry Christmas,” sent an email to his supporters on Saturday.

“If you’re anything like President Trump, all YOU want for Christmas is… MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” began the “Team Trump” appeal.

“That’s why the President has directed our team to begin sending rolls of our limited edition wrapping paper FREE to ANY patriot who contributes $47 or more to help save our country from crook Joe Biden and the radical Democrats.”

The link takes supporters to a donation page that features a large packaged box with a green bow on top.

The gift was wrapped in paper with a black-and-white image of Trump after he appeared in Fulton County court after being indicted on racketeering charges related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.

Trump used a photo of himself in Fulton County, Georgia, since his case was decided in August.

Trump used a photo of himself in Fulton County, Georgia, since his case was decided in August.

The photo was altered to show Trump wearing a Santa hat.

The page states that “NEVER GIVE UP YOUR MUGSHOT WRAPPING PAPER” – it is a “FREE” gift to those who donate. Visitors are then asked to navigate to tabs ranging from $47 to $3,300, the maximum allowable individual contribution to a federal campaign.

It’s a “limited edition” proposal tied to the holidays, which come just weeks before the Iowa caucuses, which give Ron DeSantis his best chance to try to break his rival’s poll lead.

Supporters can also pay $35 for a “MAGA Fist Punch Wrapping Paper” on Trump’s merchandise page, where he previously sold a mugshot of himself on a coffee mug.

For those who can’t wait until Christmas morning to get a Trump surprise, there’s also a Never Give Up Christmas Stocking on sale.

While Trump is using his photos to pad his campaign coffers, his legal quagmire is also costing him dearly. tens of millions dollars in legal fees.