Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – December 11, 2023

On International Mountain Day it is interesting to note that the UK’s highest peak, Ben Nevis, is rated just 4.8. Google cards.

Why do people celebrate this? Bad coffee? Bad Wi-Fi? Maybe they are making mountains out of molehills!

With the Venus/Mercury/Jupiter conjunction, matters of the heart become of great importance. But no matter how steep the climb, we receive cosmic support. Significant progress is possible.


March 21 – April 20

In this favorable celestial climate, the planets seem to be offering you the equivalent of a cosmic pie. You can either eat it or eat it. But you can’t do both. Well… that’s how it should be. But what’s the point of eating cake and just looking at it? So my advice is to have a snack! You were forced to perform some kind of miracle. Today you will see that it is just a matter of re-evaluating old opinions. Take advantage of the gift that will come to you. It won’t last forever, but it will bring sweet satisfaction. Enjoy!

Success depends on attitude and time. Your detailed forecasts point the way to positive change. Visit cainer.com

Oscar Keiner (pictured) tells Sagittarius natives that the upcoming New Moon in their sign offers different ways to heal an old wound.

Oscar Keiner (pictured) tells Sagittarius natives that the upcoming New Moon in their sign offers different ways to heal an old wound.


April 21 – May 21

We all know that it took more than one day to build Rome. But since (at least in theory) the world was created in just six days, it couldn’t have taken more than a weekend! No matter what we think of these statements, we understand that some things cannot be achieved within 24 hours. You will be pleased to know that you can achieve a lot today. But there are still some tasks that will have to be moved to the to-do list for tomorrow. So instead of stressing yourself out, enjoy what you do. That’s pretty impressive.

You have a lot to look forward to. The inspiration you need is in your detailed forecasts at cainer.com.


May 22 – June 22

The most powerful magicians do not bother with spell books or wands. This type of equipment is used by beginners. This helps them convince viewers that they know what they are doing. However, actual spells can be cast without any props. Quiet desire. Or a sincere desire. This is enough to create real transformative magic. Especially on a day like today. As we approach the New Moon in your opposite sign, dare to dream big. And believe that the cosmos is doing everything possible to make these dreams come true.

Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrological resources at cainer.com.


June 23 – July 23

For all I know, pineapple might be your favorite pizza topping. What smells and tastes good to you will make someone else turn up their nose. It’s hard to understand what makes us enjoy things that other people don’t like. But once we decide that we don’t like something, we have little chance of changing our minds. Likewise, it is only after important life events that we change our emotional reactions. Someone in your world has made a decision on a key issue. Don’t try to change their point of view. Only time will do it.

What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For good news, check out your detailed forecasts at cainer.com.


July 24 – August 23

You are a passionate Leo. If you can’t put your heart and soul into something, you know you’re unlikely to get much back. It’s better not to worry and instead focus on what you want to do. However, we all have to invest in situations that don’t make us happy. And there is an argument to suggest that if we think something lacks merit and content, we will not find any merit or content in it (no matter how much merit and content it has!). If you force yourself to be motivated today, you will achieve amazing success.

Make the most of your opportunities. Your detailed forecast contains inspiring news at cainer.com.


August 24 – September 23

You are going through a process of clarification and purification. It’s a little dirty. But this is the only way to make sense of the dark and confusing situation you are faced with. Or at least turn it into something reasonable that doesn’t seem so problematic anymore. But until you get to that point, you won’t be sure what you think (or feel) about recent events. They made you question the situation you had accepted. It’s good that you’re willing to reconsider your decision. Much-needed changes have begun that will benefit you.

Transform your life! To move forward in a positive direction, visit cainer.com for good news.


September 24 – October 23

If you’re struggling to make a choice, the easiest thing to do is ask someone else to make the decision for you. But I’m not telling you what you don’t know! It could be anyone: a complete stranger can help. They may not even realize that they have taken some of the responsibility off your shoulders. It does not matter. As long as you don’t have to worry about making the right choices, you’re adaptable enough to handle the consequences. However, today your intuition is on fire. Make sure you don’t give away your power. Use it!

For tips to help you navigate the upcoming ups and downs, check out the detailed forecasts on cainer.com.


October 24 – November 22

People know they can rely on you. Therefore, if they need shelter and protection, they call on your help. You have a natural sense of right and wrong. And a talent for making others feel safe. This valuable skill comes from your ability to carefully consider and evaluate all the different options. But this strategy is more difficult to apply to your own problems. Recently you were nervous about a situation that seemed unfair. Today brings information that will help you find a way to balance it in a way that works for you.

How to stay focused and happy? Your detailed forecasts contain the necessary advice. Kainer.com

With the conjunction of Venus/Mercury/Jupiter, matters of the heart take on menacing proportions.  But no matter how steep the climb, we receive cosmic support.  Significant progress is possible

With the Venus/Mercury/Jupiter conjunction, matters of the heart become of great importance. But no matter how steep the climb, we receive cosmic support. Significant progress is possible


November 23 – December 21

We tend to expect doctors to prescribe things to relieve our ailments. However, sometimes the problem may not need treatment: it is possible that our symptoms will disappear without any external intervention. However, if we do not receive the tablet or syrup, we may feel disappointed. If only they were allowed to prescribe placebos: we’d be on the road to recovery! The approaching New Moon in your sign offers you different ways to heal an old wound. Just believe in whatever option you choose.

For great advice that will help you overcome the upcoming ups and downs. Kainer.com


December 22 – January 20

You are a hardworking soul. In situations where other people despair and throw their hands up, you reach out and grab something useful that will help you make progress. This is impressive. But sometimes that means you don’t have days off. You are so competent and capable that there is always something to work on. And if life is going smoothly, part of you is waiting for the next reason to take action. Despite the pressure of the season, you surprise yourself with your state of mind. Stop expecting drama. Relax!

No worries. All you need is some guidance. Cainer.com can help with your detailed forecasts.


January 21 – February 19

What will happen to you today? Well… I would like to predict that first of all you will read the rest of your prediction. Of course, knowing this, you can exercise your will and move on to another forecast! Why not?! You are free to do as you wish! Likewise, just because someone has certain expectations of you doesn’t mean you have to live up to them. Nothing is set in stone (unless you choose to believe it). So, just because you’re still reading doesn’t mean you have to do something you don’t feel/want to do.

What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? For detailed forecasts, visit cainer.com.


February 20 – March 20

If only everything was always perfectly in place. If only opportunities would appear on our doorstep the moment we were ready for them. But it often seems that just when we realize we are “in the flow,” something pops up and interrupts it. And while the tides ebb and flow, we have to adapt to the movement of the waves that life presents to us. Something that you are used to missing, something that left your world some time ago, is coming back. His arrival will allow you to easily and even pleasantly cope with your current problem.

Want to know more? Your detailed forecasts on cainer.com always contain valuable news.