Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – December 7, 2023

This week your forecasts are written by my cousin Jemima Kaner, Jonathan’s daughter, an astrologer in her own right.

Today she focused on NeptuneIt’s about the Pisces turn: after five months of sliding back across the sky, it’s a sign of excitement—a chance to realize the dreams we’ve had to put on hold.

Where confusion has caused us to swim against the current, we will soon discover that everything is moving in the right direction.


March 21 – April 20

What do we gain when our benefit comes at the expense of someone else? How can we justify the joy of success if we know that someone missed it? Sometimes it feels like we’re all pushing past each other to reach an imaginary finish line. But can’t we choose a different way of life? Instead of steeling ourselves against the knowledge that we might cause harm by fussing over the past, suppose we try our best to help others on their journey? Today you have the power to help someone. To feel like a winner, lead with your heart.

For encouraging news about December, check out your forecasts at cainer.com/dmfree.

This week's forecast comes from Oscar Cainer's cousin, Jemima Cainer, an astrologer in her own right.

This week’s forecast comes from Oscar Cainer’s cousin, Jemima Cainer, an astrologer in her own right.


April 21 – May 21

What does it mean to be a good person? Philosophies and religions, despite all their different ideologies, have the same core values ​​at their core. Beyond the semantics of which path we should take to achieve enlightenment, there is general agreement that being kind to each other is key. All higher paths encourage feelings of love and compassion for our fellow human beings. And yet the world is still full of conflict. As Neptune turns direct today, dare to dream of an ideal outcome to your current predicament. And choose to be kind.

You will enjoy December. Find out why! Visit cainer.com/dm


May 22 – June 22

Do you become a different person when you know you are being watched? Aren’t we all like this? Most of us try not to publicly display our unwanted habits. And refrain from taking the last pie off the plate at the party. The choices we are able to make when we need to impress can be impressive compared to the impulses we hold back from acting. The same goes for the problem you are dealing with. Allow your better self to lead you to a compromise that will ultimately bring you favor.

For updates this December, visit: cainer.com/dailymail.


June 23 – July 23

It’s not always easy to know when to give someone the benefit of the doubt and when it’s time for some tough love. What happens if you make a mistake? Timing is everything. There are times when we need to compromise; and others when the best course of action is to stand on our own two feet and stand up for what we believe in. Today, as your ruler Moon enters Libra, you may feel a little confused and conflicted. But hesitation can be valuable. Give yourself time to make a decision that feels right to you. You won’t have to wait long.

December cosmic events can change your life! Find out how! Visit cainer.com/dmfree.


July 24 – August 23

You are the perfect person to handle what life throws at you. No one is in a better position to do what you set out to achieve. So why do you question your actions and intentions? However, wondering if you are doing the right thing is not a sign of weakness. In fact, the ability to consider the broader impact of your decisions is a sign of strength. You are more flexible than you think. And you have the wisdom to think long term. Give yourself time to think about making healthy compromises today.

December will be amazing! For inspirational information, visit: cainer.com/dailymail


August 24 – September 23

When I was little, my dad told me the story of the Princess and the Pea. How could something so small cause such discomfort? Virgos are known for their sensitivity to small details. If something is wrong, you can’t help but notice it. But do you notice when everything is going smoothly? Today, every little thing can help (not hinder) your progress. They warn you about something important. If you pay attention to your intuition, you will find that any troubles will smooth out and you will be able to rest easy.

It’s December! For inspiring news about the opportunities that await you, visit: cainer.com/dailymail.


September 24 – October 23

Do your feelings on this issue matter?! When the Moon moves into your sign, it can seem like it’s unraveling all the important threads of logic that brought you to where you are today. But by paying attention to how you feel, you are blessed to understand what you are really thinking. However, thinking is not the same as believing. Time spent rethinking is not wasted time. Even if you return to the same point, at least you will know that you have checked everything thoroughly. Today, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!

Welcome to December! For inspiring forecasts, visit cainer.com/dmfree.


October 24 – November 22

The idea of ​​a work ethic took root. We are taught from a young age to be “productive.” In fact, we often refuse to allow ourselves to relax without finding a way to feel guilty. However, sometimes taking a break instead of moving forward relentlessly is the best way to improve efficiency. Today, the Sun and Pluto create a tenuous connection that forces you to stop and re-evaluate your point of view. You can change your momentum in a positive way by taking a break and looking within yourself for answers.

December holds great potential for positive change. To learn more! Visit cainer.com/dm

Today, Jemima is focusing on Neptune's turn (pictured) in Pisces: after five months of sliding backwards across the sky, it's a sign of support - a chance to realize the dreams we've had to put on hold.

Today, Jemima is focusing on Neptune’s turn (pictured) in Pisces: after five months of sliding backwards across the sky, it’s a sign of support – a chance to realize the dreams we’ve had to put on hold.


November 23 – December 21

There is much debate among physicists about the nature of space and time and how they relate to human consciousness. What we think of as concrete concepts are actually surprisingly relative. People who think about all this must have a different perspective on what causes headaches! But it is important to consider the idea of ​​reality, especially when it comes to our problems. Today, what you think is a serious problem will change significantly if you look again in a few hours or days.

Welcome to December! For inspiring forecasts for the entire month, visit cainer.com/dailymail.


December 22 – January 20

Some say that “good things come to those who wait.” Others insist that we need to “go out and get it.” So who’s right? Is there one right way to get what we want from life? Or is there a specific process to follow to decide where to go? Perhaps it depends on how the planets influence us! Today, as Pluto conjuncts the Sun in your sign, your resilience to navigate and negotiate is put to the test. If you are patient, any problems will soon turn into opportunities with positive results.

Make December an unforgettable month! Visit cainer.com/dmfree.


January 21 – February 19

Numerology has been practiced since people learned to count. The idea of ​​an abstract number attached to a message from outside has great meaning for those who believe in it. Do people who study finance and mathematics find this idea funny? Do they discredit anyone who holds such beliefs and sees only the scientifically accepted meaning of any given number? Today, you don’t have to worry about the semantics of who is thinking what. Focus on aligning with what you believe.

Take advantage of all the opportunities December has to offer! Visit cainer.com/dm


February 20 – March 20

With the invention of tea bags, the convenience of preparing a cup of tea has improved significantly. But what was lost in the pursuit of speed? Perhaps in our rush to get a quick caffeine fix, we’re missing out on the meditative process of tossing the leaves into the pot and giving them (and ourselves) a moment to steep. Not to mention, reading a soggy tea bag is much more difficult than finding meaning in the leaves at the bottom of a cup! Today, to find a sense of purpose and direction, try slowing down.

December will be amazing! For inspirational information, visit: cainer.com/dailymail