I’m a dating expert – here’s the 8 red flags that show you could be dating a narcissist

Even the kindest and most caring people can be selfish sometimes, but could the person you’re dating actually be a narcissist without you realizing it?

Luckily, a relationship expert has identified eight red flags to watch out for, from a partner who’s “too attentive” to someone who’s “turning the tables on you.”

Tina Wilson, the British founder of Wingman, told FEMAIL howArcissistic traits include an unreasonably high sense of self-worth and they seek attention and admiration.

According to a dating expert, when dating, a narcissist often does not care about or understand their partner’s feelings, which can lead to a breakup in the relationship. But spotting the signs early can save any heartache.

Here, Tina reveals the top eight signs that your new love may be a narcissist…

According to a dating expert, when dating, a narcissist often does not care about or understand their partner's feelings, which can lead to a breakup in the relationship.  But catching the signs early can save you a lot of heartache (file photo)

According to a dating expert, when dating, a narcissist often does not care about or understand their partner’s feelings, which can lead to a breakup in the relationship. But catching the signs early can save you a lot of heartache (file photo)

1. They are too attentive

Tina warned against dating someone who almost “feels too good to be true,” explaining: “We all have our quirks that make us human, but narcissists often lure their victims in by being everything they think they are.” opinion, what their new partner wants.”

“This includes being attentive, caring, mildly jealous, and constantly being present or thinking about you, even answering texts and calls when you need them. Be careful though, it won’t last long.”

She added that it should not be confused with the honeymoon phase, “when you both long to see each other and communicate without interruption.”

“It seems more self-serving and meets their needs more than you or your blossoming relationship,” Tina insisted.

“If things seem too good to be true, don’t ring the alarm bells right away, but pay extra close attention to their actions to see exactly which direction it’s going.”

“I’m not saying quit them just yet, but remain vigilant and continue with your eyes open.”

2. They constantly admire themselves from third parties.

“Be careful if they say, ‘People say I’m great,’ because narcissists love to constantly tell stories about how great people think they are or how they are glorified,” the relationship expert said.

“These statements indicate the biggest red flags: “My boss says I’m the best,” “People love me,” all of these comments are made to reinforce their belief system because they truly believe that if they say this, then it will be like this.

“Try changing the situation and see what happens. Talk about your accomplishments or experiences and see how your new partner reacts.

“If magically the conversation suddenly brings them back into the spotlight, then they are most likely exhibiting narcissistic behavior and not celebrating you.”

3. They are never wrong

Tina said, “Stop and pay attention if you find yourself questioning your own belief system or version of events.”

She stated that a “true narcissist” would never admit he was wrong. “If anyone doubts what they say; this will be met with attacks or anger, usually putting you down to make them feel better,” the dating expert added.

“A healthy relationship should bring out the best in you, not bring out insecurities and feelings of being out of sync or humiliated.

“Ask yourself, do you feel like you are changing for them, but at the expense of yourself?” Taking some time for self-awareness is key to assessing your version of events, the emotional impact on you and whether your well-being is at risk.

“By taking the time to put things into perspective, you can think clearly and decide whether your new love is actually exhibiting narcissistic behavior.”

4. You are gassed

“Narcissists will try to get you to rely on them because their opinion of themselves is so inflated that they feel the attention they give you will protect you,” Tina insisted.

“Then they start showing their true selves and start criticizing your behavior or the way you dress to make you doubt yourself.

“If you dared bring up one of these conversations, they would turn it back on you and say they never said that or you were too sensitive. In the world of dating apps, we call this gaslighting.

“If you feel like the situation is moving into gaslighting territory, speak up and set your boundaries early and see if any positive changes happen.

“Confidence in your friends and family as soon as possible. Maintaining a support network is really important because people who find themselves in gaslighting relationships often withdraw from friends and family.”

5. They seem to live in a fantasy world

Tina said: “Do they tell you any incredible stories about their work or connections that sound so believable and real that you never wonder when you first meet someone: why would they lie?”

“But if you doubt the authenticity of such claims, it will cause an inappropriately explosive reaction. Having hopes and dreams is one thing, but living a fantasy life that turns out to be fictional is a serious cause for concern.

“Approach the situation calmly and rationally. Be curious without showing skepticism, and listen carefully to what they say.

“You want to avoid responding defensively, but also address any issues strategically to understand why they are exaggerating or lying.

“Social media can be useful when you learn about a new person, and if they are not online, that again should raise red flags.”

6. They turn everything against you

The dating expert explained: “Projection is a very clear and direct sign that you think you will notice right away, but many of us have been fooled into believing that we have upset or hurt the narcissist when in fact we have not.

“When they tell us how cold and unloving we are lately, when they are exhibiting exactly that behavior and not the other way around.

“Remember that projection in relationships can be a manipulative tactic designed to turn the situation against you. Follow your instincts.

“If they keep blaming you for upsetting them when in fact there is no basis for their accusations, then you are probably dating a narcissist and should leave. You can never change them because they think they are perfect.”

Even the kindest and most caring people can be selfish sometimes, but could the person you're dating actually be a narcissist without you realizing it?  (spare photo)

Even the kindest and most caring people can be selfish sometimes, but could the person you’re dating actually be a narcissist without you realizing it? (spare photo)

7. They are the king/queen of the castle.

“The ego goes through the roof. Many successful people have slightly inflated egos but no god complex, but narcissists believe they are special and that no one will ever actually reach their level,” Tina said.

“So they will act through partners, and when they are no longer useful, they will find another partner who will not question their lies. They will cut you off.

“Find out if you’re at the end of a long line of people they’ve met. If they keep changing partners because they clearly can’t keep their ego in their back pocket, accept that you’re number two and ultimately be emotionally prepared for the fact that they’ll probably cut you off next time.”

8. You stopped listening to your friends.

Tina warned: “If you show signs of withdrawal, your friends will notice as a narcissist often makes us question our behavior and doubt ourselves.”

“Remember, a classic sign of narcissists is that they encourage you to distance yourself from your friends or loved ones, all for their own benefit.

“It’s normal, especially in early relationships, to spend more time together as a couple as you get to know each other, but have you stopped listening to the sound advice of others?” Have you disabled them? Do you feel your behavior is changing? These are clear warning signs. Friends know us best, and if they are true friends, they only want the best for us.

“Remember that your friends really know you better than anyone else, and if in a relationship your friends say your partner is controlling you or wonder why you don’t seem like yourself, they want to help. Don’t push them away, talk to them, it will help.”