It’s not a match on this week’s Blind Date: ‘I asked what he did for fun – he couldn’t recall having any’

REBECCA, 44 years old

Divorced for two years, three children.

Dating in the past?

I was married 21 years; it was a friendly split because we grew apart. I’ve been in a few three-month relationships since then, but I enjoy being single.

Any partner should understand that I am focused on my business and family. However, I want a “happily ever after.”

Nervous before a date?

Honestly, no. I’ve been on quite a few dates. I treat them like a business meeting—I walk in with a big, confident smile, even if I don’t feel it.

Rebecca, 44, has been living separately for two years and has three children.  She installs living walls in which plants are grown from floor to ceiling.

Rebecca, 44, has been living separately for two years and has three children. She installs living walls in which plants are grown from floor to ceiling.

First impressions?

Patrick arrived an hour late due to a train delay. He was flustered and didn’t give me any compliments, and it was even more awkward when I told him how long I’d been waiting.

On the other hand, Patrick has a good physique and a nice suit. He’s a nice guy.

Is it easy to say?

The conversation was a little stilted at first; I felt like I had to do all the work. We swapped stories about what we do to pursue our passions. Patrick takes acting lessons to overcome his self-doubt.

I asked him what he did for fun – he couldn’t remember having anything like that.

At one point we were deep in conversation when Patrick blurted out, “What are you looking for?” It was a little rough.

I replied: “More like a spark.” This sparked a discussion about what is important when it comes to physical attraction. Patrick doesn’t believe in sparks.

Awkward moments?

Only that my date was so late. But then, as a single mom of three, I was able to spend an hour alone in a fancy restaurant. Every cloud. . . !

Were sparks flying?

No. Even though Patrick is attractive, I fundamentally need someone more confident than me.

Patrick is quite reserved. When I asked him what he did for fun, he couldn’t remember the last time he had fun.

Fun-loving Rebecca is looking for a successful city dweller who works hard and has fun.

Fun-loving Rebecca is looking for a successful city dweller who works hard and has fun.

Will you see him again?

Probably no. Even though we swapped numbers, we are not on the same page. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a great date.

What do you think he thought of you?

I don’t know! He asked me what I was looking for in a relationship and that made me realize that he liked me.

Will your friends like it?

My friends would like Patrick, but they would immediately realize that he was not right for me.



Divorced for two years, three children.


I install living walls where you grow plants from floor to ceiling.


A successful urban type who works hard and has fun.


Divorced for 12 years, no children.


IT network engineer.


A smart, patient woman who knows how to cook, knows how to talk, but also listens.

PATRICK, 47 years old

Divorced for 12 years, no children.

Dating in the past?

There have been five serious relationships in my life. I was also in an arranged marriage arranged by my family. Everything fell apart immediately because we were incompatible, and there were only two months left from the first meeting to the wedding.

Since then I have focused on my career and travel.

Nervous before a date?

I was nervous but happy. I liked the blind date because it is very difficult to notice someone attractive and then approach them. By the time I decided to go for it, the moment had already passed.

Patrick, 47, has been divorced for 12 years and has no children.  He is an IT Network Engineer

Patrick, 47, has been divorced for 12 years and has no children. He is an IT Network Engineer

First impressions?

Rebecca is very smart – literally! She was wearing a fiery red pantsuit and had striking blonde hair.

She seemed very beautiful and friendly to me. We greeted each other with a handshake – the restaurant was busy, so there was no room to go around the table and hug her.

Is it easy to say?

Yes. She felt comfortable enough to talk about her ex.

I’m not sure I can challenge a woman with so many children.

Rebecca is a busy, passionate mom. She made it clear that for her, attraction comes in the first few seconds. If she doesn’t feel it, it means she’s not interested. This doesn’t give us introverts much of a chance.

We also talked about our reading habits. Rebecca is a fan of the detective genre and loves to get lost in another world. I told her about reading The Hobbit at a young age. It amazed me.

Awkward moments?

No, although a bottle of wine fell from the table next to us. However, the waiter had a quick reaction and caught it.

Were sparks flying?

No, this date was more of a meeting of the minds. Rebecca also has three children. I would like to have children with the right man, but we need a strong connection if I want to deal with a woman who has so many of them.

Patrick is looking for a smart and patient woman who knows how to cook, talk, but also listen.

Patrick is looking for a smart and patient woman who knows how to cook, talk, but also listen.

Will you see her again?

Yes. We were together for almost three hours and parted in an embrace. I’d love to meet her for a drink.

What do you think she thought of you?

That I am a good person, easy to talk to and have fun with.

Will your family like it?

My mother reserves judgment until she knows a woman’s intentions. But she wishes Rebecca could be so positive.


LIKED? Getting ready for a date.

REGRETS? No, I would do it again in a heartbeat.



LIKED? Ease of communication.

REGRETS? No connection on a romantic level.