UnbeLEAFable! Hilarious moment two neighbors get into extremely petty war over pile of leaves in Minnesota

  • Neighbors in Inner Grove Heights got into an argument on November 19th.
  • The video shows a man named Larry throwing a trash can full of leaves onto his neighbor’s lawn.
  • The neighbor then retaliates by enlisting the help of two friends armed with leaf blowers to blow up Larry’s garden.

Amusing footage captures the moment two Minnesota neighbors get into a petty war over a pile of leaves.

In a bizarre argument, the men pulled out leaf blowers to try to blow debris back and forth into each other’s gardens.

The video captured the incident on Nov. 19 at two homes in Inner Grove Heights.

The clip begins with one man, known as Larry, throwing a trash can filled with leaves over his neighbor’s fence onto an already huge pile of leaves.

The video then cuts to his neighbor trying to blow the leaves back onto the property with a leaf blower – with the help of two other people.

A funny video captured two Minnesota neighbors locked in a heated battle over piles of leaves in their gardens.

A funny video captured two Minnesota neighbors locked in a heated battle over piles of leaves in their gardens.

The altercation happened in Inner Grove Heights on November 19, and footage showed one neighbor named Larry throwing an entire trash can full of leaves onto his neighbor's lawn.

The altercation happened in Inner Grove Heights on November 19, and footage showed one neighbor named Larry throwing an entire trash can full of leaves onto his neighbor’s lawn.

He starts shooting at the leaves, causing them to fly into the air and back through his neighbor’s fence, who is powerless to stop them from raining.

Larry eventually leaves, and the neighbor and his two friends continue to dump leaves in his garden.

At one point, a neighbor with a leaf blower starts kicking the pile, sending it even further over the fence.

Later, his friends are seen collecting huge handfuls, which they then carry across the border.

The footage then cuts back to show Larry peeking over the fence and weakly trying to stop the flow of leaves with a much smaller leaf blower.

The video was shared by Joshtepetti with Viral Hog.

He said, “Don’t be Larry!” “Larry threw leaves over my fence and I decided to call my friends and send them back.”